Anglické přepisy textů šamanských písní, se kterými se také setkáte na výcviku s Johnem Hawkenem. (Bude postupně doplňováno, pokud znáte další, napište nám) Aktualizováno 14.8.2008
The River is Flowing
[: The river is flowing
Flowing and groving
The river is flowing
Back to the see
Mother Earth cary me
A child I will always bee
Mother Earth cary me
Back to the see :]
[: Cary me :]
[: Back to the see :]
Řeka plyne, plyne a roste, řeka plyne zpátky do moře.
Matko Země nes mne (pečuj o mne), budu vždycky dítě,
matko Země nes mne zpátky do moře.
Nes mne, nes mne, zpátky do moře, zpátky do moře.
We are the power
[: We are the power in every one
We are the dance of the moon and the sun
We are the hope that will never fille
We are the journey of the time :]
I am a circle
[: I am a circle
I am healing you
You are the circle
You are healing me
Unite us
Beeing one
Unite us
Be as one :]
Tall trees
[: Tall trees
Warm fire
Strong winds
Deep water
I feel it in my body
I feel it in my soul :]
Mother I feel you
[: [: Mother I feel you under my feet
Mother I hear you heart beat :]
[: Heya heya heya hey hou
Heya heya heya hey hou :] :]
Fly like an eagle
[: [: Fly like an eagle
Fly so high
Cercle in the universe
On wind of pure light
[: Hey whichi tay tay
Whichi tayou :] :]
Long wing feathers
[: [: [: I am wearing my long
Wing feathers as I fly :] 3x
I cercle around I cercle around
The boundries of the earth :]
[: Higher higher
Higher and higher :] 4x :]
Nesu svá dlouhá pera křídel jak letím,
kroužím kolem hranic Země (za hranice (pout) Země),
výš, výš, výš a výš
The Winds an I
I stood to see the mountains the flowers and the tree
I said I see beauty
but when tell me he is me.
The mountains say I'am your hearth
Trust your own thinking
Trust your own thinking
folow your heart
go it open mind.
The old ship is sinking
Let it go down.
New life is there for you to find
All is waiting leading the way
All you take there on the way
?you wake up some weather?
deep, down and high love
?new life is flying you love and you cry?
[: Mrmr hay hay, mrmr hay hay :]
The past is over
The past is over good bye
Love is here to stay
Shine, shine, shine
Shine when the shadows
Open up my heart let it shine
The past is over bye.
I circle arround
[: I circle arround, I circle arround, the boundries of the Earth.
Wearing my long wing feathers as I fly. :]
I circle arround, I circle arround, the boundries of the Earth.
I have spirits
[: I have spirits, spirits have I :]
I, I, I
Píseň medvěda
[: He-he he-he he - anowa :] (3x hluboko)
[: He-he he-he he - anowa :] (2x vysoko)
[: He-he he-he he - anowa :] (2x hluboko)
...anowa, anowa. (hluboko)
[: Morningsun, morningsun, come my way, come my way. :] (4x)
[: Come my way, come my way, take my pain, take my pain. :] (4x)
[: Take my pain, take my pain, down below, down below. :] (4x)
[: Down below, down below, to cool water down below. :] (4x)
May you walk in beauty
[: May you walk in beauty in a sacred way.
May you walk in beauty each and every day. :]
May the beauty of the fire lift your spirit higher.
May the beauty of the earth fill your hearth with mearth.
May the beauty of the rain wash away your pain.
May the beauty of the sky teach your mind to fly.
Čerokijská Mantra
Překlad: Díky, že mohu být svědkem nového rána.
Grizzly Bear Song
Whu! Bear!
So you say
Whu Whu Whu!
You come
You’re a fine young man
You Grizzly Bear
You crawl out of your fur
You come
I say Whu Whu Whu!
I throw grease in the fire
For you
Grizzly Bear
We're one!
Krásná ukázka vztahu k silovému zvířeti, píseň o medvědu grizlym z dílny kmene Tlingitů na severozápadním pobřeží USA.
I go in my canoe
I go in my canoe
all over
in my vision
over trees
or in water
I'm floating
all around
I float
among whirlpools
all around
I float
among shadows
I go in my canoe
all over
in my vision
over trees
or in water
I'm floating
whose canoe
is this
I stand in
the one
I stand in
with a stranger
I go in my canoe
all over
in my vision
over trees
or in water
I'm floating
Příklad šamanské písně ze severozápadního pobřeží USA, z kmeňe Tsimshianů.
Ye hey
ye hey hey
Otter chases
swims straight toward me
Otter's coming
I float off with him
ye hey
ye hey hey
right beside me
I work my spirit
charm of the opening
beneath all things
ye hey
ye hey hey
Otter dives in
swims beneath me
there in the opening
beneath all things
ye hey
ye hey hey
Otter's in me
deep within me
Spirit Otter swimming
in the place beneath me
ye hey
ye hey hey
Píseň indiánského šamana z kmeňe Tsimshianů poisuje cestu za získáním strážného ducha, v tomto případě vydry (Otter).
Pieseň Samojedov na privolávanie duchov
Come, come,
Spirits of magic,
If ye come not,
I shall go to you.
Awake, awake,
Spirits of magic,
I am come to you,
Arise from sleep.
Spůsob, jakým sibiřští Samojedi volají duchy do práce.
The Rising of the Buffalo Bull Men
I rise, I rise,
I, whose tread makes the earth to rumble.
I rise, I rise,
I, in whose thighs there is strength.
I rise, I rise,
I, who whips his back with his tail when in rage.
I rise, I rise,
I, in whose humped shoulder there is power.
I rise, I rise,
I, who shakes his mane when angered.
I rise, I rise,
I, whose horns are sharp and curved.
Píseň domorodých Američanů popisuje jednotu člověka se zvířetem. Její zpěv zlepšuje vztah se silovým zvířetem.
They fly
[: They fly, they fly
so high, so high:/] 2x
Things a Shaman Sees
Everything that is
is alive
on a steep river bank there's a voice that speaks
I've seen the master of that voice he bowed to me
I spoke with him
he answers all my questions
everything that is
is alive
Little gray bird
little blue breast
sings in a hollow bough
she cells her spirits dances
sings her shaman songs
woodpecker on a tree
that's his drum
he's got a drumming nose
and the tree shakes
cries out like a drum
when the axe bites its side
all these things answer
my call
everything that is
is alive
the lantern walks around
the walls of this house have tongues
even this bowl has its own true home
the hides asleep in their bags
were up talking all night
antlers on the graves
rise end circle the mounds
while the dead themselves get up
and go visit the living ones
Volný překlad šamanské básně sibiřských Čukčů do angličtiny.
Tsimshianská šamanská léčitelská píseň
Far away
huge bee-hives
I walk around
huge bee-hives
Spirit Bee
sees me
flies up high
shoots me
I'm bleeding all over
many arrows all over
I'm going to die
I'm going to die
far away
huge bee-hives
I walk around
huge bee-hives
sees me
her small boy
she heals me
she makes me grow
feeds me
small boy
far away
huge bee-hives
I walk around
huge bee-hives
Zkušenost šamana ze severozápadního pobřeží USA v době šamanské extrakce.
Ja kroužím vůkol
Ja kroužím vůkol, ja kroužím vůkol,
vůkol hranic světů
Na havraních křídlech já letím vůkol hranic světů
Vlčími stezkami já běžím vůkol hranic světů
Mám já duchy
Mám já duchy, duchy já mám
Mám já duchy, duchy já mám
Mám já duchy, duchy já mám, mám, mám, mám